Monday, April 09, 2018

GBC - Srok Bati, Takeo Province

Bro. Koung Sothea and his wife, Rina, have been working in this ministry for several years now.  This is a place several kilometers away from their home where they have another mission work. The work in this area is quite difficult and progress is rather slow but we praise the Lord for their faithfulness.  Most of their attendees here are younger children, many of whom would be helping in their parents' farms and so unable to be in church on a regular basis.  Last week, Pastor Sothea has baptized 3 young people who have trusted the Lord as their Savior.  Please pray for Bro. Sothea and his family and the people they are trying to reach with the Gospel in this part of Cambodia.  Please pray that the parents of these young people would come to the saving knowledge of the Lord too.  Please help pray also for sufficient funds as Pastor Sothea looks for a suitable property for a permanent building for their church and ministries.