Monday, May 21, 2007

"Arise And Go Into God's Harvest"

Would God be pleased with a church that is not involved in fulfilling the Great Commission? The answer of course is an emphatic 'No'! God is always pleased when His children do what little they can to bring His message of love and salvation to a dying and hell-bound world of sinners. GBC-Phnom Penh held its 5th Missions Conference last May 16-18. Our chosen theme this year is "Arise And Go Into God's Harvest". Rev. Ronald Gutlay, Filipino missionary in Thailand, was the featured guest speaker. The messages he brought from God's word really challenged our people and also the brethren from the other churches who came to attend. Our goal is to teach our fledgling church that regardless of its size, age, ethnicity and financial standing, we are responsible for the spread of the Gospel wherever we have the open door to do so. We want to challenge our people to pray, to give and to go so others will hear of salvation in Christ. The services included testimonies and reports from our local missions pastors, special music and culminated with the giving of special gifts to the national pastors that our church is supporting. Every night dozens of people were at the altar praying and making different commitments to the Lord. Please help pray that whatever decisions and commitments made by our people are commitments that will remain and eventually yield fruits to the honor and Glory of God.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Mother's Day has always been a special day for Daisy since we had our first child 22 years ago. The addition of the Children's Homes to our ministry 3 years ago has made being mother much more special as we have an ever increasing number of children calling her Mama. This year is super special for Daisy as she is now experiencing how it is to be the mother of a baby girl, Michelle. We have enjoyed caring for our 3 boys when they were little and we thought taking care of an infant at our age now would be quite tedious but Michelle's arrival into our lives has added a special joy to our family. All our 3 sons (the youngest of whom is almost 18 years old) are happy to have a sister.

Mother's Day is special too as 66 mothers came to our services in both churches with one father and 4 mothers getting saved during the services.