Thursday, October 11, 2007

Youth Evangelistic Camp!

The Evangelistic Camps held from August 12-18 were really fruitful and exciting. It was our first time to have 3 camps held one after the other. Overall, the 3 camps were attended by a total of 2010 people with about 60% unbelievers. 768 souls were saved, 197 were baptized and 105 committed to enroll in Bible College either immediately or sometime in the future.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Youth Camp 2007

Here are some pictures of the youth camp held last July 23-26, 2007 at The Highlands, Rawlings Resort & Conference Center.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Cambodia Baptist Bible College Graduation 2007

We want to thank you all who have sacrificed to support financially and fervently prayed for Cambodia Baptist Bible College. This year 11 graduates walked the platform to receive their certificates for successfully completing 3 years of study. Two of the men (Proh AKA Peter and Vanni) who graduated are from Grace Baptist Church - Phnom Penh.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Pictures and More!

May these pictures paint the thousands of words that our mouths can't utter. May these images convey the wonderful thoughts that our fingers can't type on the keyboard !

Monday, May 21, 2007

"Arise And Go Into God's Harvest"

Would God be pleased with a church that is not involved in fulfilling the Great Commission? The answer of course is an emphatic 'No'! God is always pleased when His children do what little they can to bring His message of love and salvation to a dying and hell-bound world of sinners. GBC-Phnom Penh held its 5th Missions Conference last May 16-18. Our chosen theme this year is "Arise And Go Into God's Harvest". Rev. Ronald Gutlay, Filipino missionary in Thailand, was the featured guest speaker. The messages he brought from God's word really challenged our people and also the brethren from the other churches who came to attend. Our goal is to teach our fledgling church that regardless of its size, age, ethnicity and financial standing, we are responsible for the spread of the Gospel wherever we have the open door to do so. We want to challenge our people to pray, to give and to go so others will hear of salvation in Christ. The services included testimonies and reports from our local missions pastors, special music and culminated with the giving of special gifts to the national pastors that our church is supporting. Every night dozens of people were at the altar praying and making different commitments to the Lord. Please help pray that whatever decisions and commitments made by our people are commitments that will remain and eventually yield fruits to the honor and Glory of God.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Mother's Day has always been a special day for Daisy since we had our first child 22 years ago. The addition of the Children's Homes to our ministry 3 years ago has made being mother much more special as we have an ever increasing number of children calling her Mama. This year is super special for Daisy as she is now experiencing how it is to be the mother of a baby girl, Michelle. We have enjoyed caring for our 3 boys when they were little and we thought taking care of an infant at our age now would be quite tedious but Michelle's arrival into our lives has added a special joy to our family. All our 3 sons (the youngest of whom is almost 18 years old) are happy to have a sister.

Mother's Day is special too as 66 mothers came to our services in both churches with one father and 4 mothers getting saved during the services.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Swift but Sweet Furlough!

Dear Faithful Prayer Partners,

Greetings of peace and joy in our Savior’s most precious Name!

This update was out sent from Baguio city, Philippines. What a refreshing feeling to be back in our home city! It is so good to be able to kiss, hug and embrace loved-ones whom we have not seen for over two years. It was our intention to have a longer furlough but it seems like that is something we have to reserve for a much later time in the future. For now we have to make the best of just 5 weeks of stay here in the home front!

The main purpose of our coming home to the Philippines at this time was to be able to witness our eldest son,
TJ’s graduation from Asia Baptist Bible College at BBC, Sta. Mesa. It is rather hard to believe that we have advanced that much in age almost like in a wink of an eye. TJ was just 12 years old when we first set foot on Cambodian soil. After spending 7 years in Cambodia, he has learned the Cambodian language well and could speak fluently. We appreciate everyone of you who have made special effort to pray for our children. We sincerely appreciate also all the teachers and staff at ABBC who have invested their lives in the instruction and training of TJ to become a good servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for TJ and all our children so that they will always follow the Lord’s leading in their lives.

Going 10 in 2007!
This year we will be completing 10 years of ministry in Cambodia. As we look back we can only say that it is only by God’s grace that we have come this far. Apart from God’s grace we also acknowledge all the help from everyone who supported us, prayed for us and encouraged us through all those years. Grace Baptist Church—Phnom Penh continues to go forward in spite of some trials. Members relocating to different parts of the city have helped cause a decline in our attendance.
GBC-Anlong K’ngan is holding on under the leadership of Bro. Sophea. Bro. Sophea graduated from CBBC last July 2006. He also helps in overseeing the Power of Grace Children’s Home. Power of Grace now has a total of 36 children. Most of the children in the home are already saved and the older children are involved in teaching little children in Sunday School. A new dormitory is under construction to accommodate 100 orphans and children at risk. Please help pray for sufficient funds to complete the new dormitory within this year.

College Day
CBBC held its annual College Day last February 23, 2007. This day is dedicated to the honing, recognizing and rewarding of students who have dedicated their talents for the service of the Lord. The day showcased the display of various students’ talents and gifts in singing, songwriting, oratory and preaching. Tokens of appreciation were given to all contestants who have participated in each event and of course, prizes were awarded to the contestants who have excelled in their respective categories. Each year, we see remarkable growth and improvements in the talents and skills of the students of CBBC. Much more remarkable is the prospect of these students maturing and becoming the future leaders in their churches and in the overall evangelization of Cambodia. Please continue to pray for and support CBBC as we continue to train and raise more laborers in the Lord’s harvest.

We are so thankful for your prayers and sacrificial support for us and the ministries in Cambodia. Our family is doing fine. All of us are in good health and we continue to experience the Lord’s blessings upon the ministry. The trials that we go through pale into insignificance when we remember your unwavering support and prayers. We sincerely pray that the Lord continually pours His blessings upon you and your ministries as we all occupy till our Lord comes again.

Yours for Cambodian souls,
Mike & Daisy Valdez

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blessings From Heaven in 2007

Not So Eventful Year-end!

The end of year 2006 was not so eventful for us. Aside from teaching in Bible college, supervising construction and other ministry routine, we had 6 Christmas programs and attended 4 weddings. 2 of these weddings I officiated personally. One wedding was special because it was the wedding of the Pastor of our mission church in Kandal Steung. Bro. Bunthol got married to Sis. Chenda last December 15. You will notice that their attires look like costumes in a Chinese play. Most Cambodians still dress in these traditional attires during wedding ceremonies.