Last August 2014, Grace Baptist Church - Phnom Penh commissioned Bro. Theoun Sona (We call him John.) to start a new ministry at a community called Phearm on an island on the Mekong River. Brother John used to be in our church downtown came back recently to
church after being sick for a prolonged period of time. Prior to being
sick, Bro. John already
had a Bible study with several young people and a handful of adults.
Being sick he has not seen these people for over 2 years. He thought
these people must have forgotten him and they thought the same about him.
When he went to visit he was surprised that the people were still very
receptive of him and wanted him to go back. Taking that as an indication
of the Lord’s leading, he decided to go back with the full intention of
starting a new church in the area. Please pray for Bro. John
as he still has some minor health issues. He has a wife and a 9 year old
son. They need very much our prayers and some financial support.