Saturday, June 29, 2024

AIC Awards Banquet 2024

Academy International Cambodia, held its year-end closing program and Awards Banquet last June 28.  We praise the Lord for the blessing of being involved in the education of young lives for 25 years. We are blessed to see several children come to the saving knowledge of the Lord in this ministry.  We were specially blessed to have Dr. Delbert Hooge as our guest of honor and speaker.  Dr. Delbert and Maám Lora Hooge were instrumental in helping us start the school when we were just starting as missionaries here in Cambodia. As we've mentioned before, AIC will be sharing the facility with the Cambodia Baptist Bible College. Our students are excitedly praying for us to be able to move to the new facility this September of October. 

Sunday, June 02, 2024

2 More Souls Baptized!

We are doing good here at Grace Baptist Church - Anlong Kangan.  We had some souls saved in church during the past months.  Today, June 2, a day before my 61st birthday, Sing, a 13-year-old boy in our children’s home got baptized together with our daughter Liza (14 years old).  Makes a birthday celebration much more wonderfully blessed.  Please help pray for more souls to be saved and to follow the Lord in baptism and get active in church.  We have several visitors come and go in our services and we are trying what we can to help them establish a right

relationship with God.